

We Love Our Alumni! St. Robert Bellarmine is a special place for many, past and present. Stay connected to our SRB Community. Make sure we have your updated information by filling in this form.

SRB Alumni Open House

Registration is not required but appreciated! Sign up here. 

SRB Alumni Trivia Night1

Giving back | St. Bellarmine School provides an incredibly strong academic and spiritual foundation for students. The lives of our alumni and the continuing relationships they have with the school, the parish, faculty, and classmates are proof positive of that. As an SRB Alumni, giving of your time, treasure, and talents can make a real difference for current students as well as the future of the school. There are many ways to give back—through corporate sponsorships, planned giving, direct gifts, named scholarships for tuition assistance, and volunteering your time. If you would like to get involved in any of these ways, please call 773-725-5133.

“I can definitely trace any successes in my life to the foundations of faith, discipline, and, of course education. St. Robert Bellarmine School was a huge part of my early spiritual and intellectual development.”
Tom Yankee, PhD, University of Kansas Medical Center
St. Robert Bellarmine class of ’85